Monday, August 31, 2009
the feeling of going home is just so the end i still went back to sacps despite prcs school hours ending sooo late.every other school had half day.went with Roxanne in her then we went back many teachers left was almost 4pm!i missed Mdm Tan by a bit. ahhhhhhh!however managed to see my calligraphy teacher, Mrs Lui and Ms Ng.i am so going back again to see Mdm Tan this year end.this time the security was very nice,i dint finish writing my name and he gave me a sticker to was one year ago since i returned to fast is that.but when i stepped into the school again,the feeling of returning home,the feeling of going back to where you belong, is just so great.i felt the sense of warmth and love once again as i walked through the canteen, hall, corridors, gardens, chapel.for one day in the year where i feel back to the past,breaking away from the present for a while.i realised Ms Chew aged quite a lot.but im glad she's still the principal.i cant imagine how sacps will be like with another principal.heard Sister Angela is in Myanmar now doing mission work.wish to see her again..was happy that not much change had been done to the school since last year.of course those chalkboard times were still the best.3 years in secondary school, when i went back,the stairs, canteen, classrooms seemed so small.but what's the point of having a big school with nothing?like what Mrs Lui said, "what's important in the school is the people, not so much of the building".that's definately what sacps a call from Hui Wen on the bus back i alighted at one of the stops and walked to tampines mall to meet her.she was late for 10 minutes!but its okay at least we get to meet.went to eat, took a few pictures and i had to go off for tuition.we'll meet again soon though.and anyway,HAPPY 4th DANCE ANNIVERSARY D'EXTREME!i remembered the date. 31 August.miss those times.

6Daisy classroom now. still the same.

Performing Arts Room!

this is mural is new..

this is a painting in the sec side. so niceee.

another painting..

what are these? idk. some new thing in school..

i miss hposcotch days!

me and hui wen in tampines 1.