Saturday, July 26, 2008
there was'nt any NDP practice today,
so sad luh,
that leaves with only ONE more practice then NDP alr.
but there was the blacknights viewing today,
the jets that are flying this year's NDP.
me and dawn went,
jing yi dun want go.
the jets were awesome luh,
esp the making of the heart.
took a video,
so cant post it up here,
but i had one picture of the jets...
nice right??
they flew twice,
the second time it was cloudy,
so the heart could not be seen...
hmmm..our journey started with me meeting dawn at ws.
then took a very long ride,
on bus 518 to suntec.
hypered on the bus a little,
with the camel and polar bear. xDD
by then reach there,
not much time left,
meeting time was 5.30pm.
shopped a little...
bought food at macdonalds.
we reached the meeting point early,
so sat on the grass wait.
called junie twice,
we're impatient. xD
then soon the YAs came with the others.
the broadrick guides came too.
then we all went in to marina bay together.
the show started at like 6.45pm.
waited quite long.
dawnie felt sick after drinking her ICE coffee and HOT fries.
after the show her parents came,
and she was real sick by then.
they send me to tm,
there i met my mother.
so yeah,
it was a damn nice atmosphere today.
just look at the pics,
manage FINALLY to take a pic of the singapore flyer.

in marina square toilet..

another pic :)

while waiting sitting on the grass..

dawnie at marina bay..

me at marina bay..

the seats

the stage!!!

the the singapore flyer at nigsingapore flyer in the day..

the singapore flyer in the evening..

the city in the day..

the city in the evening..
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
screamed and shouted today being timer.its fun okkaaayy!!!we're not some pushovers for u all to mess with!please respect.we wont give up,and we never will.
Monday, July 21, 2008
HAPPY RACIAL HARMONY DAY!!and this day marks our one year ago east division,DANCE!!!it was damn fun last year luh,too bad this year dun have..ok nevertheless its one year already,damn fast...i am really sorry,
i really dunno what i did could hurt ****** so much,
or brought shock to ******.
sorry, truely i am.
or am i being just too paraniod?
i do hope its the case.
but i know im the one,
i dont trust.
but i cant bring myself to do so.
i am really sorry.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
last NE show for the year today,
so fast luh..
going to national day alr..
im so going to miss NDP 08 guides luh.
all the wonderful and fun times we had is gonna end in 3 weeks time.
it rained..
so the stage was wet,
but its still the same though.
did i see SACPS??
or was it canossa convent??
ok the same uniform is always confusing.
last week on stage i was frantically looking for SACPS.
ok photo time!
pics taken in the 1st and 2nd NE show.
credits to atiqah, krismine and her sister.

can see the "NDP 08"??

this has the closest picture of guides, im somewhere in the middle.

marching back...

this is a tweeny weeny scarf for the bear..taken in gg shop

those goodies they give us..
Thursday, July 10, 2008
haha one year ago,
i rmb this day very well,
whoa its a year alr,
so fast..
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
things just dont seem to appear ever the same again,
sometimes i dun even know who i really am.
sometimes i just need that one person,
to break open everthing.
everything seems to change,
and theres nothing i could hold on to.
in the midst of the darkness,
how i wish there is just that someone,
that someone that could provide the sense of security.
but who is just that person?
i dun seem to ever know.
whether in friendship, kinship or relationship,
i seem to never understand anything fully.
is it the lack of trust?
or something else?
why would i lack of trust?
guess its cos theres nothing around me.
alone with fear,
can everything be conquered?
im tired,
im tired of facing everything alone.
the defination of true will never come to light,
and now,
whats worse,
i dun even know if im lost.
im lost lost.
i said i was'nt,
but is that self-deceiving again,
i never know the answer.
have i accepted my fate?
or my destiny just started?
does the problem lie with me?
or others?
theres no answer.
could it be my own think-too-much-mind,
being too paraniod?
all these just link back to the same thing--
lack of sense of security.
when bullied,
theres just no one to protect me,
or someone to take cover from.
how envious am i,
seeing people being shield when the are frightened.
living in solitude,
is'nt just pain,
theres despair too.
my world seems bright on the outside,
but on the inside,
is it desolate?
Sunday, July 06, 2008

the ticket
whoo 1st NE show today.
we did well in the first practice,
so only stood for bout 15 min,
then break for like 3 hours!
then they keep feeding us with food,
after the heavy lunch,
we practiced,
after practice,
there was the milo van,
drank one cup,
then have ICE CREAM!
i was full after the ice cream,
then came KFC!
damn freakin full alr can,
still must eat.
no choice,
i din finish my chicken. xD
then soon we marched on the streets,
ok its damn damn fun,
they stop the people for us to walk,
we're like some celebrity.
there was ppl everywhere,
snapping pics and filming us.
haha so cool.
reached marina,
when marching on stage,
could feel the honour and glory,
like ur performing for ur country,
and theres so many ppl watching u,
though i dun even think anyone could see an individual in a contingent,
from their seats.
but atiqah say she saw me, jing yi and dawnie..
all the P5s were like little red dots from where im standing,
ok not only P5s luh,
all audience.
while standing enjoyed the music and the atmosphere.
and jing yi and dawn were talking!
so loud luh,
the whole contingent could hear.
when our part ended,
wanting to go back to suntec,
there was a i dunno wad jam,
then had to wait very long before we could move.
while waiting,
we like street performers,
waving to people on vehicles.
got one tourist got a very unique and antique camera,
and me, dawnie and jing yi "cheesed".
so fun.
the singapore flyer lighted up,
so nicceee luhh,
change colours,
in the dark dark night.
when we were leaving suntec,
saw the fireworks.
ok its uber beautiful.
dawnie hibernated on the way back to HQ,
cos the bus was so cold.
sang a few songs on the bus,
argh why din they sing bumble bee.
andand we also learn new grace,
must rmb so the nxt camp can use,
not so boring.
cos our sch is damn lag,
if din talk to other school's guides,
would'nt know that guides could do so much more.
okok shall stop here,
some pics from the show,taken from shinmun's blog.

the commander...
can spot guides?? its the blue contingent on the left.


so neat rite??

singapore flag!


we formed the word SINGAPORE with our umbrellas!
guides form the letter "N" and part of "G".
Friday, July 04, 2008
busybusybusy these few days.
hw tests hw tests...
no time to blog.
so today we got our ranks.
i got PL together with yu wen, atiqah, annette, maliah and some others i could'nt rmb.
CL is teng ping and yan mae, :)
ACL is olivia and muneera. :)
:( annette was'nt one of the four.
dun be sad,
alot of us voted for u more than once.
here are some of our pickies...

me and dawnie on the "roof"

dawn and jolin

can see our ranks?? hehe..