Monday, May 26, 2008
went sentosa today.
twofive outing!
go there play play.
ok im lazy to type.
the pics are enough to tell the story.


on the way to sentosa...

some construction going on...

argh! the end of the merlion.

siloso beach bridge.
damn fun running on it.

SANDMAN! made by joe yee and me.

joe yee, krismine, me

me and krismine

khairudy's "sandcastle"

mrs neo swimming!

the shop there...

CKJ crab!
caught by joe yee, krismine and me.

CKJ crab again.
had loads of fun with it.

guess whose legs are these?

peacock at sentosa!

looks so fat. xDD

lastly, there's the charming chairman on the mrt.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
ok whoever that qwe is in my tagboard,thanks for ur advice;appreciate it. let u know;i know what im doing,just sometimes i need time.i know exactly what u mean,its that suppose to be good?yeah i guess so. :)anyway,
i really thank God for letting me fail my maths this time.
cos if i did pass,
i would'nt have realised so many things.
things that stretch so far,
from family;
to myself.
i began to find back the old me.
or rather the REAL me.
i've changed,
cos of influences,
but i know im changing.
so its up to me to live my life once again.
and failing this maths MYE,
i became more contented,
and many things became much brighter to me.
at least im not so lost as ever.
thank you God,
for leading me through the darkness.
well,i might consider of becoming a dective one day.why?cos i just realised,detective cant trust people.and yeah,i cant find trust,so being a detective seems like a benifits to me uh?
i find myself so...why am i always deceiving myself again and again?but each lesson in life is valuable,and i certainly learn a lot through each experience.and i believe if i continue NOT to live the life of prcs,and in the sprit of canossa,i'll be able to regain the real me back fast.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A) people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.B) tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. continue this game by sending it to other people.#1 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? try to kill the love in me.#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? find TRUST.#3 what will your dream wedding be like? i dont plan to get married if i cant find the ONE, but i like weddings at the beach. =)#4 are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? YES. ALWAYS.#5 what's your ideal lover like? love is blind.#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? loving someone. cos its hard for me to love someone.#7 how long do you intend to wait for someone u really love? love comes when it is fated to.#8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? get on with my life.#9 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? maybe. dunno.#10 if u hav a choice,wad kind of family u want to be born into? a family that cares totally.#11 is being tagged fun? yeah, doing such things can kill time. =D#12 how do you see yourself in ten years time? still a human luh duh.#13 who are currently the most important people to you? that someone that's always there for me.=)#14 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? easy-going, friendly.#15 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor? neither. i dun wanna get married if i cant find the ONE or wanna be rich.#16 what's the first thing you do every morning? wake up from my sleep. xDD#17 would you give all in a relationship? if its TRUE, yes.#18 do you live to love , live to hate or live for the sake of living ? live for myself.=>#19 what type of friends do you like? TRUSTABLE. [i know theres no such word]#20 what type of friends do you dislike? i dun dislike anyone.Tagged by : JOLIN:DDHere are the 8 lucky people who's gonna be tagged :-krismine the cow!-jamie-venus-yu wen-amani-lina-geralyn-sheryn
Saturday, May 17, 2008
today got ndp marching practice.3 weeks nvr march so was sort of a warm up today.they din eliminate people lor.say slowly slowly on the way then eliminate.keep us in suspense.march march march a lot.but time like pass so fast.march for 1h like only 20 min.hehe.then the reserve for this year's commander[or what's that position called? dunno, its the high-rank soldier that smell the sword on ndp. no offence] came to talk to us.the last time the other high-rank soldier talk to us is this year's're so honoured to have met him.WO Rave brief us on what this year's ndp marching contingents will be doing,then we practised and practised.its like so nice to know what this year's ndp is about in advance. =]next week going to some army camp,think's gonna be fun.imagine going to an army camp!after ndp the four of us[now left 4. sobx] were so hungry that no choice have to eat at junction 8.ate at macdonalds.then after that took mrt go the station met ms huang.she actually also went to HQ with the other guiders.on the train for like dunno how long finally reached pasir ris.went to library slacked for quite some and jing yi laughing mad at the teenage magazine.haha..what's in it??xDDDbused 12 home with jing yi.reached home hibernated for 1h plus then woke up for mood to dance no strength to move.lols.until 8.30pm only.went home slacked again.dun wanna finish my critical and spontaneous wriring. x]yeah so this day went by...
our boots like ants on the train

ching ying, dawnie, jing yi and me!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
the rest of the results came out yesterday.was too weak and depressed yesterday so could'nt post anything.english was total shock to me.what is wrong with the marker?everything also mark wrong.almost the whole cohort had like just-pass marks.and yarhh, im one of them.just passed paper 2.wth?!?!english leh.never got such marks ever in my life marks was 58.8.the highest in class was 62 plus only.look how bad this exam was?but i think add CA marks i will get a B4.this english thing can accept easily luh though.literature was ok. got an A2.was quite surprised luh,cos i din really prepare myself much,and actually wrote whatever that came to my mind on the day of exam.D&T was the most surprising.i din study.lucky lucky get A2.anyhow write and draw also got marks. xDDnow most worst fears came true.i failed.paper 1 failed by 2 marks,paper 2 failed by 1 mark.with all the hard work i put in for practice,i expected myself to at least pass, get a 50.and in the end, it was was really more to a shock than disappointment.could'nt accept the fact suddenly,broke down in class.and what's worse?i failed because of CARELESS mistakes.paper 1, i lost about 6 marks to careless mistakes.WHAT IS 18+6?24!24 is a pass!and i could have passed the whole exam if i had been more careful.but too bad,im careless.luckily my CA i got B4,overall i managed to pass, 51.6.but i still failed the exam no matter what.there'll still be an underline mark in my report book.took a very long time to accept the fact.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 get back back 4 subjects.worst is ART.damn freaking art.i just pass on the dot!50.thats it;its gonna pull my overall marks down.thank God this time round for what i got back today.least expected would get those marks for geog, sci and chinese.phew.some load off my chest.but theres still tomorrow!!!heard that 2/5,bout half the class failed maths!gooosssshhhhh!i dun wanna fail my maaatthhhsss!!!i practised hard ok.just hoping to get at least a C6.haix.but i have the feeling im one of the half who failed.=(shall let nature take its course...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
went to haven a sudden haircut yesterday cos my mother was like oh wow she allowed why dun take the chance?was a hasty decision.then cut cut until so short,short nvm,short at my frindge i mind!grrrr!my frindge so short.told that hairdresser dun want so short liao still go snip and snip.bleh.look so weeeeird luh.i need time to get use to my new stupid frindge.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
went jamie's blog and saw this,
so to kill time decided to do it..xD
starting time: 2.41pmname: CHERI=]sisters: nah, but wish to have one.brothers: a freaking one!shoe size: 5.5 [its hard to get this size]height: 155cm [dun go oooh, i know im short]where u live: on planet earth ;Dfav drink: liquid xDfav breakfast: food xPhave u been on a plane: yepps. long ago...swam in the ocean: how do someone swim in the OCEAN? imagine pacific ocean!fallen asleep in school: YES! and dreamt too.broken someone's heart: uh huh.fall off ur chair: maybe i did.sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: not all night, all day!Saved e-mails: im lazy. o.OWhat is your room like: a room xDWhats right beside you: air x]What is the last thing you ate: lunch xDEver had chicken pox: nope. hehe.Sore throat: which human does'nt have sore throats?Stitches: yepps. [lots when running and dancing]Broken nose: im interested to know how i should break a nose.Do you believe in love at first sight: thx to u, i'd never believe in love again.Like picnics: only at the beach. :)Who was the last person you danced with: myself =]Last made you smile: cant recall.You last yelled at: my brother.Today did you talk to someone you like: erm, dunno. Kiss anyone: ???Get sick : i'll be sick if i dun get sickTalked to an ex: he's dead.Miss someone: duh. -.-Eat: nono, lameBest feeling in the world: TRUSTDo you sleep with stuffed animals: once upon a time.What's under your bed: my brother's toys! [stupid toys]Who do you really hate: note, i dont hate.What time is it now: 2.58pmdecided to do the randoms also...
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?--i dunno. cant read my mind. ._.Q: Do you have any siblings?--YES!Q: Do you want children?--u think i care bout it now?Q: Do you smile often?--yupp! :)Q: Do you like your handwriting?--uh huh.Q: Are your toenails painted:--nah, who sees my toenails.Q: Who's bed other than yours would you rather sleep in:--nobody. :DQ: what color shirt are you wearing:--white. Q: What were you doing at 7pm yesterday:--watching tv...Q: I cant wait till:--the day i graduate from prcs!Q: When did you cry last:--on the inside, yesterday.Q: Are you a friendly person:--define friendly.Q: Do you have any pets:--nope and dont wish to.Q:Where is the person you have feelings for right now?--how would i know??Q:Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?--dunno. Q:Do you sleep with the TV on?--it only disturbs my dream.Q:What are you doing right now?--typing. duh! -.-Q:Have you ever crawled through a window?--for what? to escape??Q:Can you handle the truth?--yarhh, but certain things need time.Q:Are you too forgiving?--delete the "too", its one of the sac values. :)Q: Are you closer to your mother or father?--none. i dun even feel i have them.Q:Who was the last person you cried in front of?--myself. =]Q:How many people can you say you've really loved?--what kinda love??Q:Do you eat healthy?--of course! so as not to grow fat. xDQ:Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?--told u, he's dead.Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?--*nodding*Q:How often do you go to church?--once a year??Q: If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?--cow and potato!=]Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time?--LOUD! [although im hard of hearing]Q:Are you confident?--depends.hey peeps! ur next!
-yu wen-
-jia ning-
exams over and now like not use to not free now, dunno what to do.hmph monday marking day,who wanna go watch movie on monday???or at least go OUT.staying at home is torturous ok.sian think tuesday getting back some of our papers..i have a very bad feeling bout this exam.though i put in a lot of effort,dont think my results are gonna be very good.i aimed for all As this time,i know it seems a little off..but aim higher mah. however i realised the higher i aim, the lower i get.-.-the kind of stress and tension u get when u expect urself to do well when u are in the exam room,makes u feel nervous and forget everything that was entered to the brain.well that was what happened to me. :(i'll definately be devastated if i dont pass my maths,and i have a feeling i i must "absorb" all happiness now,to cover up the depression later.*_*cant wait for next saturday!!!once again gonna march.going bedok camp where the army is.dunno if that'll be my last time,cause they're gonna be eliminating 11 more!they choose very slow luh,take like dunno how long to get the 70 people.nevertheless,looking forward to all the activities coming up...drama, camp, marching, dancing...a whole lot more!
Friday, May 09, 2008
ok finally have the time to blog.
so long nvr update already.
like what atiqah said.
amazing luh almost a month nvr post anything.
so since so long nvr update this shall be another random post with random pics.

i successfully tied my hair. xDD

i helped dawn tie too! whooo. achievement!

jia ning's head. xD tied by ching ying

this looks a bit retard.

this was taken like so long ago.
those are joe yee and dawn's fingers i guess.

a bird in the bus!!!

walking home with joe yee and salina after exam, passed some autumn place...

our shadow!