Thursday, December 27, 2007
today went to watch alvin and the chipmunks with sarah. long long time no seeeeeee!!!
ok, we met at 1pm and then went to century cineplex to buy tickets. then we had our lunch at macdonalds. after our lunch it was like only 1 plus so we decided to take neoprints first. and we were like so lucky to go at that time cos the neoprint shop was quite empty, and that conludes that we dont have to queue up.
after our neos it was still early so we went to the supermarket to buy some titbits and hid them in our bags. hehe. when we were just about to enter the cinema we were like "faster faster tear our tickets" cos our bags look kinda "bloated". lol. we went in successfully without having our titbts confiscated. ^^ the movie was ok, and the chipmunks's voices were extremely cute. xD haha.
the movie ended and we walked around tampines mall and century square countless times till we settled down at tampines mall basement where we bought some chicken and stuff and sat at the super small table. then sarah showed me her graduation day concert in her phone.
i went to op to buy my white shirt after asking permission from my mother cos i was not supposed to buy black or white shirt. lol. but i broke the rules. x] at like 6 plus we waited for sarah's mother outside mini toons and guess who we saw? MRS YEOH. [ex-vice principal] she was like "where are you all from" and of cos the answer was "SAC" luh. and wow! she's a principal in whitesands primary now.
sarah's parents sent me home at 6.55pm..hehe, my latest time to go home was 7pm. reached home on the dot. haha.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007

few days ago went to aunty's house in bishan. ok, the journey was like so so so long luh. but at least reach there on time. her three childern were like so cute, though the young one was totally naughty, crying and yelling and rolling on the floor when he did not get what he wanted. and he even bit me! cos i was getting back my phone when he started pressing the buttons like nobody care. lol.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

finally found the time to blog. ok yesterday went out with tracy and hui wen. before we met i bought an ice cream keychain for tracy's birthday prezzie. we met then went to kfc eat lunch. tracy almost dropped hui wen's phone at the spot she's sitting. tracy, thats an unlucky position for you. xD
then after that we were like thinking where to go---hui wen's house or what. so we decided to take neoprints first. [i lazy upload all neos] after taking we went hui wen's house play cluedo. wahh..i din win at all. =(
lol. we played two games of cluedo the played stress+watch tv at the same time. how we do that?? lol. at like 6.10pm tracy gotta go so i left with her and i went home straight also lor.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
long long long time din post. cos my com got lotslotslots problem luh. but wheeee..gonna have new com soon. then can go freely again. lol. but the thing is i hav to set up the whole thing on my own. sobxsobx. im not a pro at computers. =[ just hope that i could set it up successfully. and i guess i will not be posting for a longlong time until my new com is perfectly set up. waitwait. CONGRATS TO ME! i finally managed to change the skin of my blog today! whoohoo. trying for a change. white this time, and more on the bright side. my last skin was dark and quite emo. haha. now waiting for tuesday to go out with hui wen and tracy!!! yayyay. =)
Friday, December 07, 2007

one week din blog. haix. seriously mad with my computer. old already lots of problems!!!
okay..nothing much to post about. yesterday cousin come my house. she so cute larhh. and very active. x)
waiting for time to pass. waiting to go out with JOCELIN! waiting for my haircut. waiting for
next year to come!!!