Wednesday, January 20, 2010
its the new year.
ok im a bit slow.
so ive not been blogging for three weeks.
life is as per normal.
oh nono.
life is much more hectic than ever, with studies.
events that just passed--cca open house on 090110.
we dint have a swing this year, but we had a dustbin!
i hope we managed to motivate some sec 1s about girl guides. maybe its the new year, thats why i came to realise and accept certain facts.some things are beyond my control, and i shouldnt let them affect me emotionally.move on.

making the kitchen sink..

me and Li Tong in the tent.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
its new year's eve!last day of the year fast.i've finished sec 3.i still remember how excited i was last year about new class and upper sec life.and one year just passed like that, in a blink.this year seemed shorter than any other year.but its the busiest year i've ever had.just reflecting, i learnt loads in the past 364 days.Friendship.thank you all my friends who made my year,particularly Joe Yee and Salina.although we're in different classes,thing's still the same.Thank you for everything, seriously i mean everything.3/8'09 has been a pleasant new experience for me.enjoyed being as a looking forward to more excitement in 4/8'10! :)juniors and seniors have made my year fufilling too.thanks for being there! should be cca's been a year of new stuff, and my very first time of understanding real was never easy for a start, but i know since 18/08/2009, 5.53pm, i have a responsibility.i could put it as the greatest challenge for the year.through bits and pieces, i've grown to be a lot stronger.4 months has passed since we step up,and i promise i'll do my very best to be a better leader for the last 4 months.thank you to those who helped me in the greatest falls of my life in this area.just a few so i'll name it all.Joe Yee, thank you for always being there to understand and listen to anything about what im going through.Hippos, its been great experience working with you guys. Thanks for being supportive!Jonathan, you gave me the biggest lesson on leadership. Thank you! Guides from other schools, thanks for your assurance and advice. true Guiding is out there with you all. :)and I'm really grateful for being able to have a chance to experience all these.Studies.
i have to admit i didnt put in my best effort for the i will be consistent and focus more next year.i will do well for o levels! :DJust Myself.
i've been through most this year.there was a lot of struggle with emotions here and there.but im thankful for helped me to grow up and learn.i have accepted the fact that changes are inevitable, especially now in our lives.they make us learn and all, i just hope people will be understanding in terms of being more other-centered.i wish, i wish, i wish..THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN PART OF MY LIFE IN 2009!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
which also means end of my camp marathon. :(there was soooo much that i learnt from camp challenge.great eye opener.and the wonderful guides from Gelang Methodist, Dunman High, Damai and Bedok Town,thanks for making east division so awesome!shall blog about it another a whole it was a fantastic experience for our school although we dint win are all on facebook,so guides who want the pics go straight to fb!I LOVEEE CAMP CHALLENGE!thanks for helping me find my strength back. :)